Thursday, June 11, 2009


After a "day off" from lunchboxing, it wasn't easy to get back into the mode (especially since it's just one day - preschool has the day off tomorrow). Thank goodness I had an idea that I wanted to try out - the Poby (polar bear) shaped rice. I couldn't make any Eddy's or Pororo's so I just went with the rabbit to balance it out.

Today, Justin has rice, eggs (unfortunately, I tried this and it looks a lot better than it tastes!), fried sweet potatoes (고구마전) and anchovies (which sounds gross in English but is actually just 멸치볶음). For dessert he'll be having peaches. After two root canals, we're trying to stay away from sweets and more with fruits. Let's see how long that effort lasts...


  1. So Poby worked! Cute. Did Justin recognize who it was? kkk

  2. I'm not sure. I think he had trouble eating "Poby" because he came back "alive". Strange... he had no trouble biting of the dinosaur head!
