Monday, February 8, 2010

Cycling, kites, and swimming

The constant rain has kept the toddler indoors for many days but when the sun is out, it's time to go outdoors and use up some of that energy!!!

Justin got to show grandma & grandpa how good he is on the orange (his favorite color) bicycle that they got him for his birthday, by going around and around the pool before going to preschool, one sunny morning. He was well-behaved enough to stop after about 10 laps and get in the car without too much resistance.

Recently, he has also developed a passion for kites - after watching "연날리기 대소동" on Pororo. He doesn't like big kites (the wind might make you fly away if the kite is too big...) so we found a tiny kite that he doesn't have to worry about, and flew it at the Fair Oaks park. He also played on the playground there after tiring of kite flying in about 30 minutes.

On Saturday, persuaded by Daddy, Justin tried flying a bigger Buzz Lightyear kite, which successfully made it pretty high into the sky, thanks to the size and a decent wind.

And on Sunday, he somehow found an old life jacket in the back of the closet and insisted on going swimming. It wasn't too cold a day (maybe 60 degrees?) but still not ideal... but this time around, Justin successfully persuaded Daddy to take him, and swam (?) around in the jacuzzi for a good half hour or so (see video), before nearly falling asleep in the water.

1 comment:

  1. i like that first picture with justin on the bike and grandpa watching along the poolside...kkk Still loving orange, huh?
