Monday, February 8, 2010

Birthdays and birthday cakes

From Thanksgiving to end of February is seriously the busiest season for our family - not just because of the two major holidays, the two new years (January 1st & Lunar new year) and Valentine's but also because of the 8 birthdays we celebrate (not to mention Justin's grandparents' wedding anniversary!).

This year, we were able to celebrate Justin's grandmother's birthday together as well with a super silky soft, moist strawberry shortcake from La Baguette. (I had to grab a picture off the Yelp! page - I can't find the picture I took for the life of me!!) I must say, I've had the individual piece many times before, but the whole cake is so much more delicious and moist!!!

1.5 weeks after the strawberry shortcake, we tested out the new cake from Kara's cupcakes. It's a completely different cake - dense, super rich and decadent. I do love their Java flavor, but since we need to be able to share this with Justin, we opted for the Chocolate Velvet. Check out the thickness of the ganache on top and in between the layers. It's chocolate to the max with the same chocolate flakes that you find on their chocolate velvet cupcakes. And although it's small in diameter, the cake must be 12-15 cm in height, so it's not a small cake at all!

Justin gave me a surprise birthday gift by going to bed at 6:30pm on my birthday and missed the original blow out and cake cutting. So we saved a candle and let him blow one out the morning after (of course, he got up at 4:40am). Oh, and his kitty cat joined him as well.

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