Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mini Kimbap

Justin has become somewhat of an adolescent. You can't really see from here, but he spends a lot of time on his/my iPod watching Pororo, Pooh, or Little Einstein videos. I foresee this turning into future arguments about how much time he spends on the phone, playing video games, etc., etc. In any case, he is very serious about his video watching and cannot be disturbed for any reason whatsoever (even food).

Justin's preschool asked me to pack a snack for 10 little ones. Everyone was bringing a dish so it didn't have to be too much, but it should be something special that Justin likes. So we picked kimbap. There's a wonderful mini-kimbap (꼬마김밥) set from Pulmuone that has the carrots, burdock, and daikon radish all chopped up in mini size, as well as the nori, so all I had to do was mix the rice, make the eggs, and sautee up a tiny bit of ground beef. Of course, I won't do this every morning, but for a once-in-awhile treat, it wasn't too bad.
I was worried that the kids wouldn't like it, but who knows, maybe the teachers finished it off - it came back empty.

In his lunchbox he got the kimbap and 유부초밥, along with blueberries and a piece of banana.

Meanwhile, lunch time is actually the best time for Justin's dad and myself to eat out in peace. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, armed with a gift card, and determined to try something other than the usual meatloaf and pasta (because those are my favorites, that's all we ever eat there). Today I chose a chicken sandwich (with lettuce, tomato, and avocado), which was surprisingly simple but surprisingly good. It may be because the toasted bread was absolutely, totally buttered up. We also had the red velvet cheesecake - of course, I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate, but again, it was our day to try something new. It was okay, super sweet, and I probably won't have it again, but it wasn't that bad. I mean, it's cheesecake, how bad could it be...

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